baby's eggless fruity yogurt bread pudding

wahhhh gitu usual lah..i kalau masak, nama tak nak kalah..haha

i guna yogurt ni bagi maryam.

untuk baby kalau boleh cari natural yogurt yang full fat macam farm fresh ni. sebab baby-baby memang memerlukan lemak-lemak ni. janganlah ambik low-fat. lagi pon, kalau kita google, ade kat SINI,] low fat product ni tak delah se-healty yang kita sangkakan. food-food yang low-fat ni mungkin boleh menyebatkan obesity, tinggi sodium dan juga gula. boleh perkenalkan yogurt masa umur 7-8 bulan. boleh baca kat SINI

sebenarnya maryam dah makan telr dah. dah makan sbijir telur dah pon. alhamdulillah tak allergic tapi masa i buat ni kehabisan stock telur, so i buat eggless pudding.


3 sudu yogurt
1/2 biji pisang (boleh ganti ngan buah manis lain untuk seimbangkan rasa masam yogurt)
2 biji dried peach
unsalted butter

1. lenyek yogurt dan buah-buah sehingga sebati. dah boleh makan dah sebenarnya macam ni. hehe. bila dah lenyek sebati, masukkan butter. kacau lagi sehingga sebati.

3. masukkan roti secukupnya. rendam dalam setengah jam

4. masukkan dalam bekas , bakar dengan suhu 175 dgree c. dalam 20-setengah jam.

important note: Heating yogurt to high temperatures destroys the beneficial cultures. If the temperature is higher than 120° F, as it is in baking, the live active cultures will not survive, but the yogurt will still provide valuable nutrients such as calcium and protein.

sampai jadi rupa macam kat bawah ni

baby's eggless fruity yogurt bread pudding

mula-mula i buat pear+ kurma sauce (campurkan puree pastu letak siki serbuk cinnamon) konon makan ngan puding, tapi maryam makan macam tu jer.

orang dewasa nak makan pon sedap. rasa dia ala-ala lepat pisang.

important note:

“Does heating the yogurt when cooking affect the cultures?”

It can. Heating yogurt to high temperatures destroys the beneficial cultures. To prevent this, never add yogurt directly to a boiling or extremely hot mixture. Instead, stir a few tablespoons of the hot food into the yogurt, warming it gradually. Then stir the warmed yogurt into the hot mixture. Do this near the end of the cooking process, so the yogurt won’t be heated for a long time. If the temperature is higher than 120° F, as it is in baking, the live active cultures will not survive, but the yogurt will still provide valuable nutrients such as calcium and protein.

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  1. waaah nama mmg takmo kalah...hee~

    mesti sedap kan tul la nengok!

  2. sedapnye! nak try buat utk afeef.
    last week dah try buat cottage pie tu hehe. sedap tapi afeef taknak makan sangat :(

  3. cikitt :D.. farah.. lama tak jumpa maryam la... rindu la nak cium2 dia. roch pun ckp lama tak jumpa maryam.

  4. mcm ni, i pun nak..tiap ari pun takpe..ihikss...
